Women in Finance and Accounting
WIFA strives to give young female professionals at UW Madison the skills they need to be successful in their industry of choice. We specifically target female students interested in pursuing the fields of finance and accounting in order to combat the lack of female representation within these industries and to help dismantle the “intimidating” stigma these majors carry within the Wisconsin School of Business. We also encourage pre-business students or students with similar majors outside of the business school to join our organization to gain exposure to the opportunities that exist within the finance and accounting fields.
We collaborate with companies such as Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, Wells Fargo, BMO Harris, JPMC, Forvis, Merrill Lynch all businesses through which we offer networking and volunteering events and professional development workshops. We aim to provide an organization that gives female students not only the confidence to succeed, but also the resources and knowledge they need to meet their goals and venture into their careers.